Please take into consideration; the price list is only meant as a guide. Intricate character designs and details may affect the price.

(Price per character)


Sketch w/flat colour $20

Lined w/flat colour $30

Lined w/shaded colour $40

Half body

Sketch w/flat colour $35

Lined w/flat colour $45

Lined w/shaded colour $60

Full body

Sketch w/flat colour $50

Lined w/flat colour $60

Lined w/shaded colour $90


Simple detailed $10

Detailed/scenery $40

Reference sheet

(Front pose, back pose, and headshot of character with simple details)


Telegram Stickers

(Stickers are always simple shaded)

Sticker pack (6 stickers) $90

Single sticker $20

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Drop me an e-mail or telegram message for further inquiries! [email protected]